SOUHA, surviving hell online in MAY
to May 31

SOUHA, surviving hell online in MAY

Souha, survivre à l’enfer (2002) will be screened online, available for all during the last week of May (24 > 31) on the platform Aflamuna.

Shot between the late 1970s and the early 2000s, the films in this program were all made at a time during which cinema in Lebanon was inventing itself, searching for the possible cinematographic languages to account for the ruptures provoked by the civil wars and their aftermath. The cinematic gestures of these women behind and in front of the camera queered the stereotypes of what it means to be a woman living, working, and loving in the middle east.

إن الأفلام التي يتضمنها هذا البرنامج صُوّرت بين أواخر السبعينيات ومطلع القرن الحادي والعشرين وقد صُنعت كلها في وقت كانت فيه السينما اللبنانية تخترع نفسها، بحثاً عن اللغات السينمائية الممكنة لتفسير التصدّعات التي تسببت بها الحروب الأهلية وتداعياتها. إن الإيماءات السينمائية التي قامت بها أولئك النساء خلف الكاميرا وأمامها أدّت الى تكوير الأشكال النمطية لما يعنيه أن تكون إمرأة تعيش وتعمل وتحب في الشرق الأوسط.

متمردات - تقدمة سينماتيك بيروت خلال شهر ايار 2021 على [متوفّر في جميع أنحاء العالم]

Re/Belles - presented by @cinemathequebeirut will run throughout May 2021 on [AVAILABLE WORLDWIDE]

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STEB by STEP - online on ShaSha - May 2021
to May 31

STEB by STEP - online on ShaSha - May 2021

Steb by Step, Randa Chahal’s first documentary, directed in 1978 is available online 1-31 May 2021 on
It will be part of the Shasha platform program of May dedicated to WOMEN REVOLT :
Presenting 20 rarely-screened guerilla-style documentaries made by and about women revolutionaries from the SWANA region.

‎خلال شهر ايار ٢٠٢١ ، تقدم شاشة ٢٠ فيلما وثائقيا على غرار حرب العصابات لنساء ثائرات. تستكشف هذه الأفلام النسائية الراديكالية بجرأة السياسة المحلية للتحرر الجنسي والاجتماعي والديني للمرأة في جميع أنحاء جنوب غرب آسيا وشمال إفريقيا، من ١٩٧٥ إلى ٢٠١٩.

All 20 films are in original language with English subtitles.
No geo-blocking: available to watch by all, anywhere in the world.

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Screening of Souha at Institut Français de Beyrouth, Lebanon
to Mar 1

Screening of Souha at Institut Français de Beyrouth, Lebanon

The International Feminisms Festival is an unprecedented event at Proche Orient, entirely dedicated to history and to several issues and challenges that women are facing worldwide. The festival aims to prolong the engagement of women in the Arab world on the long term, and they have become more visible thanks to their voices in the revolutions and online platforms.

Four days to listen, debate and assist to those spectacles, from February 27 to March 1st at l’Institut français du Liban, in a festive atmosphere.


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Screening of Civilisées in Washington

Screening of Civilisées in Washington

On October 12, 2018, Randa Chahal’s movie Civilized People was part of the ‘Films from the Arab World’ week at the Freer Sackler gallery at the Smithsonina in Washington, DC, USA.

Our series of films from the Arab World captures the region’s diversity while exploring themes of injustice, oppression, intolerance, and the madness of sectarian conflict. Made possible with generous support from Aramco and co-curated by Samirah Al-Kassim of George Mason University.

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New dates for the screenings at AUB
to Oct 19

New dates for the screenings at AUB

Hello Cinéphiles!
Screenings have officially begun, so make sure to grab your cinéfriends along with you and enjoy! 🎬 What : “Rétrospective”
🎬 Where : Hostler/Bathish Auditorium
🎬 When : Oct. 05 AND 19 at 6 PM - The Ciné Club Cabinet

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Screenings at AUB
to Oct 6

Screenings at AUB

For those who couldn’t attend last June’s #retrospective at @metropoliscinema here is a new opportunity : @aubcineclub is screening 3 movies beginning this Friday, spread the word 🎬 
Catch us at our first official screening of the year!
Where...Bathish Auditorium
When...6:30 PM
What...The 1st out of 3 screenings selected as a tribute to the late Lebanese director Randa Chahal Sabbag.
These screenings are a unique introduction to the world of Arab directors and Arab films in general.
Grab your cinéfriends and don’t miss out on this trio!

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Thank you!

Thank you!

It has been a few weeks now that the first retrospective of Randa Chahal Sabbag's work has ended, but we are still overwhelmed by the incredible response this event received!

We would like to thank everyone who helped us, supported us and shaped that project and everyone who attended!
T H A N K    Y O U !
Stay tuned for new events!

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Program published
to Jul 25

Program published

Monday, June 25, 2018
19:30 Opening Reception حفل استقبال
20:00 Civilisées متحضرات
94 min | French / Arabic / English, Sinhalese / Filipino
with English & Arabic subtitles

Tuesday, June 26, 2018
18:00 Round table طاولة مستديرة
20:00 Liban d’autrefois لبنان أيام زمان
11 min | in Arabic with English subtitles
Pas à Pas خطوة خطوة
90 min | in Arabic / French with Arabic and English subtitles

Wednesday, June 27, 2018
20:00 Les infidèles المخادعون
86 min | in French

Thursday, June 28, 2018
20:00 Souha, survivre à l’enfer سهى، إرادة الحياة
57 min | in French / Arabic with Arabic and English subtitles

Friday, June 29, 2018
20:00 Ecrans de sable شاشات الرمل
90 min | in French with Arabic and English subtitles

Saturday, June 30, 2018
20:00 Le Cerf-volant طائرة من ورق
80 min | in Arabic with English subtitles

Sunday, July 1st, 2018
20:00 Nos guerres imprudentes حروبنا الطائشة
52 min | in Arabic / French with French and Arabic subtitles

Ticket price at Metropolis Empire Sofil: 8,000 LBP

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Dates of the retrospective in Lebanon
to Jul 25

Dates of the retrospective in Lebanon

Leil Productions is honoured to partner with Metropolis Cinema to inaugurate Cinematheque Beirut’s programming activities with a tribute to the Lebanese filmmaker Randa Chahal Sabbag.
The filmmaker's work represents both the testimony of a specific period in time, as well as an intimate look at a country that is continuously rattled by divisions and political instability.

Over the course of seven days, this complete retrospective of Randa Chahal Sabbag’ work will be accompanied by a round table on the filmmaker’s work and legacy moderated by Antoine Khalifé, as well as an exhibition of photographs and video installations supported by the Fondation Liban Cinema.

This is a one time event and the movies will be screened only once. 

Here is the link to the Facebook event 

Leil Productions is the production company that Randa Chahal Sabbag founded in the 80's.

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The RCS retrospective in Lebanon
to Jul 12

The RCS retrospective in Lebanon

For the past year, I have been working on the work and archives of my mother, the filmmaker Randa Chahal Sabbag. 
Most of her movies have been largely discussed praised or censored. She was one of the first Lebanese filmmaker to receive a prestigious international award, the Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 2003. It is fair to say and i am proud to write that her work is part of the heritage of Lebanese cinema. 
This year, which marks the 10-year anniversary of her passing, we are launching a series of events, including a full film retrospective of her work. This event will be held from June 25th until July 2nd in Beirut, Lebanon.

To know about these upcoming events, follow the Instagram account @randachahalsabbag_filmmaker and subscribe to the newsletter
Thank you! 


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Tripoli Film Festival

Tripoli Film Festival

We were honoured and moved that the Tripoli Film Festival dedicated their 5th edition to Randa Chahal's work, daughter of the city of Tripoli. The festival has been working hard to promote and support the film industry in the northern city.

Two movies were screened during the festival : the award-wining The Kite, Silver Lion at the venise Festival in 2003 and the documentary Souha, surviving hell, their were both preceded by the Short Lebanon, long ago. 
At the closing ceremony, the Festival director Elias Khlatt and the president of the Jury, Ghassan Salhab gave a honorary award to Randa Chahal's daughter Nour. 

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Official announcement

Official announcement

For the 13th consecutive year, Fondation Liban Cinema and the Tourism Office of Lebanon in France will be present in the 71st edition of Festival de Cannes from May 9th to May 20th. This year is very special as Lebanon will be present in the official competition with Nadine Labaki's CAPHARNÜM. 

The annual FLC will also be distributed then announcing the complete retrospective of Randa CHahal film works in June in Beirut.

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