1981 / Lebanon
Short / 11 min / 16mm

La guerre efface tout à Beyrouth, une galerie expose des photos en noir et blanc, des photos d’inconnus, des photos ramassées chez des familles, des vieilles photos du début du siècle… Il y avait dans ces photos le contraire de la guerre. Je les ai filmées.

The war erases everything in Beirut. A gallery was showing black and white photographs, photographs of strangers, photographs found in family’s home, old photographs from the turn of the century… In these photos, there was the opposite of war, I filmed them.


Prix du Jury Carthage - 1984


Director - Randa Chahal
Producer - Georges Zeeni & Randa Chahal
Screenplay - Randa Chahal
Director of photography - Hassan Naamani
Film editing - Christine Aya
Sound engineer - Tarek and Karim Chahine
Read by - Charbel Dagher
Poem by - Talal Haidar
Music - Georges Zemfir